What’s new with Microsoft in open-source and Kubernetes at KubeCon North America 2024
At Microsoft, we are committed to innovation in the cloud-native ecosystem through…
With the release of Ansible 2.8, Microsoft continues its commitment to ensure Azure provides a great experience for Ansible users. We have our biggest release to-date with new modules supporting a wide range of Azure services. Read below for more details about what’s new for Azure with Ansible 2.8.
A key scenario we enabled based on community feedback is the ability to update applications deployed to Azure VMSS through a custom image. Check out this new tutorial to see how you can create an image from an existing VM and then update a scale set using the custom image.
Speaking of guidance, we are particularly excited to share the following 11 new tutorials and sample playbooks to walk you through how to automate deployment and configuration of these new modules in Ansible 2.8.
Azure Container Service (AKS):
Azure Cosmo DB:
Azure Cache for Redis:
Azure HD Insight:
Azure Service Bus
Azure DevTest Labs:
Virtual Network Peering:
Dynamic Inventory configuration:
On top of the modules with tutorials mentioned above, here are several new modules that allow users to configure even more automation on Azure:
Azure Database for MariaDB:
Azure Role Assignment:
Azure Role Definition:
Azure Web App Slot:
For a full list of what’s supported, refer to the Ansible module and version matrix on the Ansible Documentation Hub.
Questions, comments or feedback? Let us know in the comments.