Microsoft’s OSPO year in review—what we’ve learned
“Tech companies born with an open source mentality get it. It’s our ability to work together that makes…
“Tech companies born with an open source mentality get it. It’s our ability to work together that makes…
2020 fundamentally changed how many companies and teams work—seemingly overnight, remote-first cultures became the new norm and people…
Microsoft has invested in the security of open source software for many years and today I’m excited to…
The Open Compute Project (OCP) Global Summit, kicking off virtually on May 12, is where a vibrant and…
Today we are announcing the release of Accessibility Insights for Android, a new addition to our family of…
HL7 FHIR (Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources) is an open standard for healthcare interoperability. Microsoft contributes enthusiastically to FHIR…
Trust is key to open source. Developers should be able to trust users to respect their licensing choices.…
Today we announced that the W3C Trace Context specification entered Proposed Recommendation maturity level. A unified approach for…
When Microsoft launched Azure Event Grid in August of 2017, our goal was to make it easier to…
Today the Open Neural Network eXchange (ONNX) is joining the LF AI Foundation, an umbrella foundation of the…
Kubernetes has become the leading container orchestration environment. Its success has driven the remarkable growth of Kubernetes services…
Microsoft has invested in confidential computing for many years, so I’m excited to announce that Microsoft will join…