2 min read

Join Pivotal and Microsoft for the European JUG Tour

Photo credit: @ashleymcnamara

In October, as a continuation of our upcoming Microsofhttps://brujug.be/t Ignite and Pivotal SpringOne Platform events, I’ll be hitting the road with four outstanding Pivotal developer advocates/engineers, bringing the latest and greatest about Spring and Azure to Java User Groups (JUG) throughout Europe.

From October 8th to 19th, we will be joining Java User Groups to demonstrate how Java and Spring developers can bring Reactive Spring Boot applications to the cloud. We have nine stops, starting in the great city of Dublin, Ireland – strategically chosen as the first stop, because we are all humans who deserve good beer to kick off such event. And, if our plane, train, and demo gods help us out, we will travel all the way to Bern, Switzerland, with seven stops in between.

Follow these folks on Twitter to keep up to date!

Bruno Borges

Jakub Pilimon

Mario Gray

Mark Heckler

Simon Basle

We will be presenting the two sessions, “Going Reactive with Spring Boot” and “Taking Spring Apps for a spin on the Microsoft Azure Cloud,” in addition to recapping the major news from both Microsoft’s and Pivotal’s recent conferences.

In these talks, we will cover topics like Spring Boot, Project Reactor, development of Java applications with Visual Studio Code, deployment to Microsoft Azure, and much more.

Check out the schedule below and where to register to attend these events!

European JUG Schedule

Dublin JUG
// @dubjug
Oct 8th – Monday Sign up for Dublin, Ireland
London Java Community
// @ljcjug
Oct 9th – Tuesday Sign up for London, UK
JHipster Meetup Paris
// @java_hipster
Oct 11th – Thursday Sign up for Paris, France
Brussels JUG
Oct 12th – Friday Sign up for Brussels, Belgium
Utrecht JUG Meetup
// @nljug
Oct 15th – Monday Sign up for Utrecht, Netherlands
Dortmund JUG
Website // @Jug_DO
Oct 16th – Tuesday Sign up for Dortmund, Germany
Frankfurt JUG
// @jugffm
Oct 17th – Wednesday Sign up for Frankfurt, Germany
Saarbrücken JUG
// @jugsaar
Oct 18th – Thursday Sign up for Saarbrücken, Germany
Switzerland JUG
Oct 19th – Friday Sign up for Bern, Switzerland

Finally, we’d like to thank all the JUG and community leaders who have helped us plan this tour. A big shout out to Barry Alistair (DubJug), Dominique Carlo (LJC), Julien Dubois (JHipster), Olivier Hubaut (BruJUG), Bert Jan Schrijver (Utrecht JUG), Tom Hombergs (Dortmund JUG), Alexander Culum (Frankfurt JUG), Thomas Darimont (JUGSaar), and finally Oliver Nautsch and Thomas Wenger (Switzerland JUG). Also a big thank you to Rabobank for sponsoring the event in Utrecht, Netherlands, and Ippontech for sponsoring the JHipster meetup in Paris.

See you in October, Europe!