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J4K: an all-star Java and Kubernetes speaker line-up in one conference 

J4K is a developer-oriented conference focused on open source and hybrid cloud application development of Java and Kubernetes. This is a community event, delivered by stellar Java community leaders, and is dedicated to enriching developers and architects with cloud-focused solutions. Registration is free. 

Image for registering for J4k conference

Java has a rich history in enterprise applications and has evolved over the past two decades to encompass a rich ecosystem with open source projects, open standards, innovation by individuals, and start-ups and companies of all sizes. With the maturity of cloud computing, advancements such as automated operations for hybrid and multi-cloud are needed more now than ever before. Kubernetes is top of mind to many for migrating traditional on-premises deployment to the cloud. There’s a tradeoff, however, around new platforms, methodology, best practices, budgetary considerations, and modernization options to name a few. Great, so what’s next?  

The J4K conference was conceived to help folks navigate their way through a mix of options. J4K is running four tracks to help developers enrich their experiences and skillsets.  The 2020 session tracks are:  

  • Application on cloud, containers, and K8s (real-life examples) 
  • Frameworks and architectures on cloud, containers, and K8s 
  • Developer tools for cloud, containers, and K8s 
  • Practices and other technologies 

There will be 50 exciting sessions, including a keynote by Red Hat VP of Engineering, Mark Little, and Microsoft CVP of Azure Engineering, Brendan Burns. To welcome the community and make you feel at home, we have Heather VanCura, Chairperson and Director of the Java Community Process (JCP), and Josh Long, Spring Developer Advocate at VMWare. Because it’s 2020 and in-person conferences are of the past in this strange new world, you shouldn’t miss a beat in personal growth and community fun. Join J4K with Microsoft to help us celebrate and move Java on Kubernetes forward for all.  

Check out Microsoft’s keynote and sessions: 

Building portable cloud-native applications with Java, Kubernetes, and dapr.io

Keynote by Brendan Burns | Wednesday, Oct 14, 2020 | 9:00 AM – 9:45 AM

Which as-a-Service is right for your Java apps?

Session by Christina Compy and Theresa Nguyen | Wednesday, Oct 14, 2020 | 3:00 PM – 3:45 PM

Memory Efficient Java

Session by Kirk Pepperdine | Tuesday, Oct 13, 2020 | 4:00 PM – 4:45 PM

The Diabolical Developer’s Guide to Picking Your Java

Session by Martijn Verburg | Wednesday, Oct 14, 2020 | 1:00 PM – 1:45 PM

Run Spring Microservices at Enterprise Scale – Azure Spring Cloud

Session by Asir Vedamuthu Selvasingh | Tuesday, Oct 13, 2020 | 4:00 PM – 4:45 PM 

We’ll also have a community leaderboard, photo, poll questions, and contests during the event with prizes, in addition to other exciting opportunities to win. Join us today by registering for J4K and feed your brain with Java and Kubernetes goodness. See you next month! 

Helpful links: