<1 min read

Announcing preview of Microsoft build of OpenJDK for Java 11

Today we are announcing the first preview of the Microsoft build of OpenJDK, a new long-term support (LTS) distribution of OpenJDK that is open source and available for free for anyone to deploy anywhere. It includes binaries for Java 11, based on OpenJDK 11.0.10+9, on x64 server and desktop environments on Linux, Windows, and macOS. We are also publishing a new early access release for Java 16 for Windows on Azure Resource Manager (ARM) and macOS/M1 based on the latest OpenJDK 16+36 release.

Learn more about the preview release and Java at Microsoft in the full announcement blog.

Visit Microsoft build of OpenJDK page to download packages and installers.

Animated GIF of Duke, the Java mascot, holding a cloud. A rainbow arcs into the cloud and turns into a version of the Microsoft logo.