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Free Webinar On-Demand: Azure Solutions – Open Source

Late in October 2016, Andrew Habgood (Director, Cloud Partners, Red Hat Asia Pacific) and I presented a free live webinar on Azure Solutions – Open Source. Now, the webinar is available on-demand. Register today and access the presentation and discussions.

Cloud in the sky with text overlay,

Register Now: Azure Solutions – Open Source

Microsoft cloud is an open and flexible cloud platform for your favourite open-source solutions. It supports a wide range of industry leading operating systems, languages, tools, and frameworks-from Windows to Linux, SQL Server to Oracle, and C #to Java. It puts the best of Windows and Linux ecosystems at your fingertips, so you can build great applications and services that work with many devices.

Here what we’ve covered in the webinar:

  • Overview of Linux market;
  • What Microsoft has to offer to Enterprise Linux clients;
  • Case studies;
  • Introducing our Partner – Red Hat;
  • Partner perspective from Red Hat;
  • Microsoft-Red Hat Partnership and available support;
  • Realizing the benefits of OSS on Azure with Red Hat.

Register Now for Azure Solutions-Open Source Webinar On-Demand