Flatcar accepted into CNCF at incubating level
Flatcar provides a lightweight Linux OS specifically tailored for hosting container workloads.
Excitement filled the Gold Coast Convention & Exhibition Centre at Broadbeach, Queensland during the four-day Microsoft Ignite Australia event. Between 14 to 17 February 2017, #MSAUIgnite was jam-packed with hands-on learning, industry insights, and direct access to product experts.
It was particularly exciting for our team to see a massive Open Source track all throughout the event – a major first in the history of Microsoft Ignite.
“Audience interaction was great! We had a great mix of open source experts looking to take advantage of advanced services on Azure to accelerate their development and deployment, as well as a large number of beginners in open source looking at how they can simplify management of open source workloads for their organisations,” said Ken Thompson (Azure Technical Specialist, Open Source Software, Microsoft). Ken was one of the main presenters at the #MSAUIgnite event.
According to Ken, the former group (the experts) focused on the topics of Azure Container Service, Jenkins CI/CD Pipelines and Azure Container Registry, as well as advanced support for OSS languages/frameworks in our PaaS offerings like AppService. The latter group (beginners) valued learning more about the services Microsoft provides to simplify OSS management on Azure. These include things like Operations Management Suite for Log Analytics, Security, Backup & Automation, DevTest labs to accelerate Dev and Test cycles, and the native tooling and support we provide for troubleshooting Linux workloads, as well as simplifying tasks like password reset and boot diagnostics.
Some of the open source related topics covered at #MSAUIgnite include:
You can watch the replays and download the slide deck presentations using the links above or you can go to Channel 9’s collection of videos and other media related to Open Source from the Microsoft Ignite Australia 2017 event.
You can also watch videos from #MSAUIgnite 2017 Event via Microsoft Australia’s YouTube channel.
Here are some noteworthy Tweets regarding some of the open source sessions from #MSAUIgnite –