1 min read

Microsoft Open Days 2017 across Asia Pacific

Open source continues to gain momentum not only among startups and developers but also among enterprises. Many companies and organiations operate heterogeneous IT environments with traditional commercial, enterprise open source and community-based open source software working side-by-side.

That’s why our team here at Microsoft has been expanding our platforms to include open source software, and we continue to make open technologies a priority in our strategy. Our engineers have been engaging more than any other corporation with open source communities such as GitHub, where we’ve contributed over 700 million lines of code. In fact, nearly half of the new virtual machines (VMs) created on Microsoft’s Azure cloud are Linux VMs.

In line with our commitment to openness and collaboration, we are running a number of Microsoft Open Days across Asia Pacific in May and June 2017. We will cover topics such as open source cloud infrastructures, highly available LAMP stacks, as well as open source databases and big data solutions on the cloud. The key speaker across all cities/countries (apart from South Korea) is Janakiram MSV, an analyst, advisor and an architect. Participants will also have the opportunity to engage with our Infrastructure and Data partners (eg RedHat SUSE, Cloudera, Hortonworks) who will be available to answer your questions.

Here’s the schedule for the Microsoft Open Days in Asia Pacific –

2 MayAPAC Open Day Kuala Lumpur
3 MayAPAC Open Day Singapore
5 MayAPAC Open Day Jakarta
24 MayAPAC Open Day Seoul

These events are by invitation only, so please contact your local Microsoft Account Manager immediately if you would like to attend any of the events.

To follow the conversation online, check out the hashtag: #MSFTopenday