What’s new with Microsoft in open-source and Kubernetes at KubeCon North America 2024
At Microsoft, we are committed to innovation in the cloud-native ecosystem through…
The October release of Visual Studio Code, our free and open source code editor, includes support for multi-root workspaces and many other significant updates and popular outstanding feature requests. Learn more about what’s new in this release, plus new technical documentation and more, in this edition of the Open Source Weekly.
Here are some recent open source updates from docs.microsoft.com, our home to thousands of pages of technical documentation, API reference, code examples, and more for developers and IT professionals.
Learn to deploy a Java web app to Azure, using Azure CLI in Jenkins Pipeline. In this tutorial, you create a CI/CD pipeline on an Azure VM, including how to: create a Jenkins VM, configure Jenkins, create a web app in Azure, prepare a GitHub repository, and more.
The open source Elastic Stack — that’s Elasticsearch, Kibana, Logstash, and Beats — helps you take data from any source in any format and search, analyze, and visualize it in real time. This documentation walks you through how to deploy Elasticsearch, Logstash, and Kibana, on an Ubuntu VM in Azure.
Use Terraform to reliably version and create infrastructure on Azure. In the new Terraform hub, learn how to create resources, use Azure Terraform modules, and maintain your infrastructure with code using our quickstarts and tutorials.
HDInsight includes an R Server option to be integrated into your HDInsight cluster, allowing R scripts to use Spark and MapReduce to run distributed computations. Learn how to create an R Server on HDInsight cluster and then run an R script that demonstrates using Spark for distributed R computations in these docs.
The October release is out and Brian Clark is pretty excited to quickly walk you through the highlights of what’s new.
Tyler Croy, Director of Evangelism at CloudBees and Jenkins project board member, demos some live examples of infrastructure continuous delivery with Jenkins and Azure. The Jenkins project hosts most of its infrastructure—a combination of Terraform, Kubernetes, and Puppet—in Azure.
Christoph Wurm, Principal Solutions Architect at Elastic, walks through the components of the Elastic Stack and how they come together in one pipeline. You’ll see the typical use cases, architectures, data sources, and end users. Also, Anshul Kumar, Director of Big Data at McKesson, will demonstrate how to deploy Elastic Stack in an enterprise private network on Azure and provide data insights using Kibana.
Thousands of Microsoft engineers use, contribute to and release open source every day across every platform. Microsoft’s Open Source Program’s Office is committed to helping improve open source community interactions by sharing tools, services, and guidance.
There are a number of significant updates in this release, including several popular outstanding feature requests. From multi-root workspaces to git indicators in the Explorer, check out the release notes with the full list of new features here.
Azure Blob Storage is used in cloud applications every day for its cost-efficiency, scale and simplicity. The Azure team released a the preview of the new FUSE adapter for Blob Storage. This enables you to mount a blob container on Linux platforms. There is no need to rewrite your application! Check out the preview.
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