2 min read

Open Source Weekly: New Go SDK and Azure Go Dev Center

2-minute read + demos

go gophers by @ashleymcnamara

Image credits: @ashleymcnamara

Lots of good news for “gophers” this week, with a new Go SDK for Azure and updated documentation to help Go fans get started with Azure.
This and more community news, product announcements, and demos from around Microsoft below.

Azure SDK for Go: The Azure SDK for Go is now generally available to help developers build apps for Azure with Go. The SDK features support for connecting to data sources, including Cosmos DB and Azure Storage, deploying Azure resources programmatically, authenticating users, and much more. Alongside the SDK update, the team launched the Azure Go Dev Center with docs. Learn more here.
New Azure Marketplace offers: The Azure team is continually expanding the Azure Marketplace ecosystem. In January, 32 new offers went live, including LAMP on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS. WordPress on Windows Server 2016, Bitnami’s Kafka Cluster, and more. See details of the new offers here.
What’s New in Azure Cosmos DB: Kirill Gavrylyuk returns to Azure Friday to update Scott Hanselman on what’s new in Azure Cosmos DB, such as the Cassandra API for applications that are written for Apache Cassandra, updates to the Azure Table storage API, the Apache Spark Connector, the Graph API, partitioned collections, five 9s SLA, and more.

Docker Tools for Visual Studio: Shayne Boyer talks about running .NET Framework applications in Docker and demos the Docker tooling available in Visual Studio 2017.

Helm Summit: Join us for the inaugural Helm Summit in Portland, Oregon on February 21-22! Helm Summit provides an opportunity for new and existing users and contributors to Helm and Charts to share stories and best practices. It’s a very interactive two-day agenda, which you can check out here and register.
SCaLE 16X: We’re looking forward to SCaLE 16X in Pasadena March 8-11. SCaLE is the largest community-run open source and free software conference in North America, expecting 150 exhibitors and >100 sessions this year. Register soon here.

Here are a couple recent open source updates to docs.microsoft.com:
Azure for Go Dev Center: Alongside this week’s Azure Go SDK release, the team launched a Azure Go Dev Center with lots of documentation. Check out the quickstarts, API reference, code samples, and more here.
New reference architecture for Jenkins on Azure: The Azure team just published a new reference architecture for deploying and running a Jenkins server on Azure with Ubuntu 16.04 LTS. This reference architecture helps identify the best practices for setting up a Jenkins server on the Azure platform and helps you make the most of Azure services for supporting your engineer requirements. Check it out here.
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