What’s new with Microsoft in open-source and Kubernetes at KubeCon North America 2024
At Microsoft, we are committed to innovation in the cloud-native ecosystem through…
Check out the below recap of this week’s open source related product announcements, popular docs, and demos from around Microsoft.
Anything else you’d like to hear about? Let us know in the comments.
The Service Fabric team announced that Service Fabric is going open source under the MIT license and over the coming months will be transitioned to a completely open development process on GitHub. At this point the Service Fabric repo is up on GitHub with Linux build and test tools, which means you can clone the repo, build Service Fabric for Linux, run basic tests, open issues, and submit pull requests. The team is working hard to get the Windows build environment migrated over as well, along with a complete CI environment. Read the full announcement here.
Since the launch of Microsoft Jenkins offer in Azure Marketplace in mid-2017, there has been a growing number of customers using the solution template to run Jenkins on Azure. With the solution template, you can stand a Jenkins master running on a Linux (Ubuntu 16.05 LTS) VM up on Azure in as fast as 20 minutes. As of this week, users can now deploy the solution template to Azure Government cloud. Check out the full announcement.
The new Open Source Show, featuring the Microsoft Cloud Developer Advocates, debuted earlier this month. This week, Lena Hall launches a four-part series, “Exploring Azure Container Instances and Azure Web App for Containers.” In this episode, you’ll learn to create a container image, by example of a Scala web application created with Play Framework, and push it to Docker Hub.
The Azure SDK for Go provides Go packages for managing and using Azure services using the Go language. Deploy your Go app to Azure Web Apps and take advantage of managed services, such as PostgreSQL, storage, identity, and more.
Here are a couple recent open source updates to docs.microsoft.com:
Apache Spark is a fast engine for large-scale data processing. As of the Spark 2.3.0 release, Apache Spark supports native integration with Kubernetes clusters. Azure Container Service (AKS) is a managed Kubernetes environment running in Azure. This document details preparing and running Apache Spark jobs on an Azure Container Service (AKS) cluster. Check out the recently updated docs.
Azure Service Fabric is a distributed systems platform that makes it easy to package, deploy, and manage scalable and reliable microservices and containers. It’s open source and on GitHub. Developers and administrators can avoid complex infrastructure problems and focus on implementing mission-critical, demanding workloads that are scalable, reliable, and manageable. Learn how to use Azure Service Fabric with our quickstarts, tutorials, and samples.
OSCON returns to Portland this summer and we hope to see you there July 16 – 19. Registration prices go up after April 20, so sign up for your pass soon here!
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