4 min read

Countdown to KubeCon + CloudNativeCon EU 2018

The Azure Container Services team is headed to KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Europe 2018 next week in Copenhagen, Denmark. We’re honored to be Diamond sponsors this year, with a goal to help improve the ease of container-native app development.

Be sure to catch us at the Azure booth (located right outside the entrance to Hall C). We’ll be showcasing Azure Container Service (AKS), Azure Container Instances (ACI), Service Catalog & Open Service Broker for Azure (OSBA), Virtual Kubelet, and our suite of open source container-native developer tools (Helm, Draft, Brigade, VS Code, etc.).

Our booth will be well stocked with Virtual Kubelet t-shirts, fun stickers, giveaways of the Designing Distributed Systems e-book by Kubernetes co-founder Brendan Burns, and limited edition Azure + Kubernetes Copenhagen swag. Plus, connect with our engineers, who will be demonstrating new technologies and answering your container-related questions. If you’re interested in a specific demo, check out our booth demo schedule:

Wednesday demos

  • 10:30 AM – 12:30 PM // Service Catalog + Open Service Broker for Azure (OSBA) w/ Carolyn Van Slyck 
  • 12:30 PM – 3:00 PM // Virtual Kubelet w/ Ria Bhatia 
  • 3:00 PM – 6:00 PM // Azure Container Service (AKS) w/ Saurya Das 
  • 6:00 PM – 9:00 PM // Open source container-native tools from Azure w/ Ralph Squillace 

Thursday demos

  • 10:30 AM – 12:30 PM // Open source container-native tools with Azure w/ Brian Redmond 
  • 12:30 PM – 3:00 PM // Azure Container Service (AKS) w/ Saurya Das 
  • 3:00 PM – 5:30 PM //Azure Container Instances (ACI) w/ Justin Luk 

Friday demos

  • 10:30 AM – 12:30 PM // Azure Container Instances (ACI) w/ Justin Luk 
  • 12:30 PM – 3:00 PM // Open source container-native tools from Azure w/ Ralph Squillace 
  • 3:00 PM – 5:30 PM //Service Catalog + Open Service Broker for Azure (OSBA) w/ Jeremy Rickard 

In addition to stopping by the booth, please join us at our sessions throughout the week:  

Monday, April 30

Cloud Native Copenhagen Meet-up: Let’s warm-up before KubeCon – CloudNativeCon 
5:30 to 8:30 PM, Location: Republikken 
Serverless Containers with Azure Container Instances with Justin Luk: Learn about how containers are entering the cloud as a compute primitive. We’ll cover how Azure Container Instances (ACI) provide a rapid, simple way to deploy containers to the cloud. We will discuss scenarios such as how ACI enables simple scenarios such as dev/test in the cloud and more complex ones such as burst scaling in Kubernetes through the open-source virtual-kubelet project. Bring questions, comments, and thoughts as we discuss the future of cloud-native computing! 
Follow Justin @whosjluk 

Wednesday, May 2

Keynote: Container-Native Dev-and-ops Experience: It’s Getting Easier, Fast. with Ralph Squillace 
5:30 – 5:35 PM, Location: Congress Hall A 
The theme of Austin’s KubeCon was that Kubernetes is still too hard for developers. The Azure team has been working hard to improve the ease of container-native app development, using 100% open source technology. Come see how much has changed building applications for Kubernetes; things you can use anywhere Kubernetes is; anywhere you are. 
Follow Ralph @ralph_squillace 

Thursday, May 3

Happy Helming with Service Catalog with Jeremy Rickard 
11:55 AM – 12:30 PM, Location C1 – M1 
Helm has emerged as a popular tool for distributing and using applications on Kubernetes. The kubernetes/charts repo has almost 150 different packages today! Helm works by bundling Kubernetes resources together into an easy to use package and allows you to specify dependencies on other packages, enabling deployment of services like databases alongside your application.  But what if you wanted to use a managed database from a cloud provider, instead of running it in your cluster? What if it was as simple as selecting it from a catalog? The service-catalog project is being built to bring this capability to the Kubernetes eco-system using the Open Service Broker API.  In this talk, Jeremy will introduce service-catalog and the new resources it brings to Kubernetes. He will also demo how you can use Helm to deliver an application configured to use services provided by the service catalog. 
Follow Jeremy @jrrickard 

Virtual Kubelet Open House with Ria Bhatia 
1:30 – 3:00 PM, Location Meeting Room B4-M9 
Come learn about how you can scale your unpredictable and bursty workloads with Virtual Kubelet. We will have fun swag (including Virtual Kubelet shirts and stickers). Maintainers on the project will also be present for all your easy to hard questions.  This is a super informal event so some, laugh, talk about kubelets, question kubelets and most of all relax in some comfy VK t-shirts. 
Follow Ria @rbitia 

Building Event-Driven Pipelines with Brigade with Brian Redmond 
3:50 – 4:25 PM, Location C1- M1 
Building complex or even simple event-driven pipelines on Kubernetes has always been somewhat of an elusive task, until now. Enter Brigade, a lightweight opensource event-driven tool that accepts a Javascript expression of a pipeline that gets seamlessly converted into the associated Kubernetes runtime objects. In this session we will build a pipeline from the ground up, hands on, to demonstrate just how simple to solve sometimes complex tasks with Brigade. 
Follow Brian @chzbrgr71 

Friday, May 4

Kubernetes 101: DIY Workshop with Bridget Kromhout 
11:10 – 11:45 AM, Location: C1- M2 
If you want to level up the k8s game at your organization, maybe what you need is a hands-on workshop. In this whirlwind tour of a successful interactive workshop, we’ll look at how to give people a guided hands-on k8s experience. If you’re into dev or ops or some portmanteau thereof, this is relevant to your interests. We’ll be following an Azure variant based on open-source k8s training at http://container.training/, as well as checking out AKS (Azure Container Service); there are takeaways no matter which public or private cloud you use. 
Follow Bridget @bridgetkromhout

Kubectl Plugins 101 with Carolyn Van Slyck 
2:00 – 2:35 PM, Location: C1– M0 
Learn how to add custom commands to kubectl and write your first plugin. If you have written a bash script that extracts data from kubectl output, then you are already halfway there! Plugins can add powerful new commands to interact with Kubernetes, saving you time and keystrokes. This session will showcase lessons learned from our development of a kubectl plugin for the Kubernetes Service Catalog.  Whether you are a Kubernetes user looking to script common commands, a developer building custom Kubernetes resources, or a provider looking to encapsulate specific functionality for your users, come learn how to write your own custom commands using kubectl plugins. 
Follow Carolyn @carolynvs 

Until then, read Brendan Burn’s new piece on The New Stack – The Future of Kubernetes is Serverless  — to get yourself ready for KubeCon + CloudNativeCon EU 2018.

Hope to see you in Copenhagen and if you can’t make it – keep up with us at @OpenAtMicrosoft!