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13 things to look for at SpringOne Platform

It is going to be a crazy week for sure! On September 24th, Microsoft will be present at SpringOne Platform in Washington D.C. to share the latest and greatest news about Java and Spring cloud-native development with Microsoft tools and Azure services. And while that’s happening, Microsoft Ignite, will be at full blast with its own set of announcements and updates – so stay tuned for those too.

One of our favorite things to do at awesome developer conferences is to announce the latest developments for developers. At SpringOne, we will unveil new tools and services, including several new releases and Java support for Azure cloud services. Come by our booth and check out these demos:

  1. Java on Azure and Azure Stack
  2. Spring Boot apps & Spring Cloud Azure modules
  3. Cloud Foundry on Azure with OSBA
  4. Java monitoring with Application Insight

Azure App Service on Linux for web applications

This service is the easiest and fastest way to get started with your web applications on Azure. On top of enhancements to the service, we will be releasing the following updates:

  1. Enhanced Apache Maven Plugin
  2. Enhancements to Azure Toolkits for Eclipse and IntelliJ IDEs

Azure Service Fabric Mesh

Service Fabric Mesh is the serverless microservices platform in Azure. It is a fully managed Service Fabric environment that abstracts away all infrastructure including VMs, storage, orchestration and networking.  Service Fabric Mesh allows developers to innovate on their business logic and build mission-critical microservice applications that can run side-by-side with lift-and-shift workloads.

For Java applications, product updates and releases:

  1. JCache API support on Reliable Collections: Service Fabric Reliable Collections can be used as a library anywhere, and when you run it on a Service Fabric cluster, your cache becomes highly available through transparent replication (while providing you co-location of compute and data for low-latency workloads).
  2. Apache Maven plugin: Easily create, build and deploy Java applications on Service Fabric Mesh

Azure Dev Spaces for Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) Public Preview

Azure Dev Spaces provides a rapid, iterative Kubernetes development experience for Java development teams. With minimal dev machine setup, you can interactively run and debug Java containers directly in AKS. You can also collaborate with your team in a shared Kubernetes cluster, or integrate with your CI/CD pipeline, for end-to-end testing with other components without replicating or mocking up dependencies. To get started, check out the Quickstart for Java.

Presentations at SpringOne Platform

Other Microsoft engineers and I will be present at the conference to deliver these updates and other topics of interest to attendees. Sessions to check out and add to your schedule:

  1. Building Responsive Systems with Serverless, Event-driven Java
  2. Running Serverless Applications Using Spring and Microsoft Azure
  3. Going Cloud-Native with Spring Cloud Azure​
  4. Hacking Spring Boot Applications Using Visual Studio Code
  5. Beyond Windows – Hacking Cloud Apps on Linux and .NET for the Busy Java Developer

Stop by and chat with us in the exhibition hall – at booth #8 – and come discuss any of these 13 things and check out our demos on Pivotal Cloud Foundry on Azure, Azure Application Insights, Spring tooling support, Open Service Broker API, Azure Stack, and much more! Of course, grab some swag when you stop by too.

Finally, don’t miss out my presentation on Wednesday’s main stage keynote, at 10am. I hope you will enjoy it.

See you soon!