3 min read

What’s new in the latest release: Terraform Azure provider v1.23.0

There is a new release of the AzureRM provider fresh off of the presses. Version 1.23 has lots of new resources and data sources. If you want to get into the nitty-gritty details of the release, check out the Change Log for the provider within the GitHub repo.

If you are looking for what’s coming up in future releases, we are marking issues that we expect to include in the next release or two by adding the appropriate milestones, which correlate with the release versions. For these details, you can check out the milestones section of the AzureRM repo.

Release highlights

New resources:

Data sources:

  • azurerm_api_management_group: This data source enables access to information about an existing group within API Management. For additional details about this data source refer to the provider documentation.
  • azurerm_api_management_product: This data source enables access to information about an existing product within API Management. For additional details about this data source refer to the provider documentation.
  • azurerm_api_management_user: This data source enables access to information about an existing user within API Management. For additional details about this data source refer to the provider documentation.
  • azurerm_availability_set: This data source enables access to information about an existing Availability Set for a VM. For additional details about this data source refer to the provider documentation.
  • azurerm_network_watcher: This data source enables access to information about an existing Network Watcher. For additional details about this data source refer to the provider documentation.
  • azurerm_recovery_services_protection_policy_vm: This data source enables access to information about an existing protection policy within Azure Backup. For additional details about this data source refer to the provider documentation.

This release includes numerous other improvements and bug fixes. For the full list please reference the Change Log. Here are a few of the highlights:

  • Updated version of Azure SDK for Go
  • Added support for up to 1024 access policies in the azurerm_key_vault resource
  • Added new properties (path & connection_draining) to azurerm_application_gateway resource.
  • Added support for new properties (capacities & placement_properties) to azurerm_service_fabric_cluster resource.

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