Introducing Hyperlight: Virtual machine-based security for functions at scale
The Microsoft Azure Core Upstream team is excited to announce the Hyperlight…
AzureR, a family of packages that provides tools to manage Azure resources from the open source R language, is now available.
If you code in Python, C#, Java or JavaScript, you already have a rich selection of SDKs to choose from to interact with Azure. AzureR extends SDK support to the R language, by providing a selection of lightweight yet powerful packages to fill basic infrastructure needs for Azure users.
The AzureR family includes eight packages that extend the R language with tools to create, manage, and monitor Azure resources and services. The packages depend only on R and other open source components of the R ecosystem (such as the R packages “httr”, “jsonlite” and “R6”); there is no requirement to install the Azure CLI, Python or PowerShell. All of the packages are available on the official R package repository CRAN are openly developed on GitHub within the Azure organization and are mirrored as part of the cloudyr project.
The AzureR packages allow R users to interact with Azure services including:
Here is an example to illustrate how these packages can be used together. We create a resource group and storage account in AzureRMR, and a registered app in AzureGraph. We then assign the necessary permissions for the app to access the storage account. On the client side, we then use AzureStor and AzureAuth to upload a file to the storage account, authenticating via the app.
library(AzureRMR) library(AzureGraph) library(AzureStor) # set your Azure organization and subscription details here tenant <- "mytenant" sub_id <- "12345678-aaaa-bbbb-cccc-0123456789ab" # create a Graph client gr <- AzureGraph::create_graph_login(tenant) # create an app (associated service principal will also # be created automatically) app <- gr$create_app("AzureRapp") # create a Resource Manager client az <- AzureRMR::create_azure_login(tenant) # create the resource group and storage account rg <- az$ get_subscription(sub_id)$ create_resource_group("AzureRsample", location="westus") # create a storage account -- StorageV2, Standard_LRS stor <- rg$create_storage_account("azurerstor") # give blob contributor rights to the app stor$add_role_assignment(app, "Storage blob data contributor") ## client side: # authenticate with the app token <- AzureAuth::get_azure_token( resource="https://storage.azure.com", tenant=tenant, app=app$properties$appId, password=app$password ) # blob endpoint object stor_client <- storage_endpoint("https://azurerstor.blob.core.windows.net", token=token) # create a blob container -- # authentication details passed down from endpoint stor_container <- create_storage_container(stor_client, "mycontainer") # upload a file storage_upload(stor_container, "/path/to/mybigfile.txt", "mybigfile.txt")
Together, the AzureR packages provide the capability to efficiently and securely access the Azure services that are most likely to be relevant to R users. R users can install the R packages from the CRAN package repository today, and get started using their existing Azure subscription. New subscribers can also create a free Azure account with access to Azure’s free services and $200 in Azure credits towards everything else.
For more information about AzureR, please visit the AzureR repository in GitHub, where comments and suggestions (and pull requests!) are always welcome.
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