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See you at camp…virtual Cloud Native Camp that is!

Join us next Tuesday, June 23, for Camp Cloud Native! Previously known as Cloud Native eParty, the free live virtual event is focused on the cloud native ecosystem, with a focus on education and fun!

The 12-hour event will span from 5am PT to 5pm PT. In addition to co-organizing the event, Microsoft has a full line-up of speakers throughout the day that you won’t want to miss. Here are some of the planned sessions:

  • 8:25 am – Fireside Chat: SMI and the Future of Service Mesh (Bridget Kromhout // Principal Program Manager)
  • 9:00 am – App (Plat) Sampler: the Cloud Native Adventure (Ralph Squillace // Principal Program Manager)
  • 9:15 am – Creating Clusters with Cluster API (Ria Bhatia // Program Manager)
  • 10:15 am – Kubernetes Past, Present, and Future (Brendan Burns // Kubernetes Distinguished Engineer)
  • 11:15 am – Panel: Kubernetes Best Practices (Dave Strebel // Cloud Native Architect, Eddie Villalba // Principal Software Engineer, Brendan Burns // Distinguished Engineer, Lachie Evenson // Principal Program Manager, & Bridget Kromhout // Principal Program Manager)
  • 4:00 pm – Building a Remote Friendly Culture (Aeva Black // Open Source Program Manager)
  • 4:30 pm – Cloud Native Trivia (Lachie Evenson // Principal Program Manager)

Keeping in line with the camping theme, we may or may not have sing-along-songs, prizes, and ghost stories lined up as well…follow along on Twitter with the hashtag #campcloudnative!

Make sure to register before the event and see you on Tuesday!