Hyperlight: Achieving 0.0009-second micro-VM execution time
In this post, we’ll take the demo application and show how it…
Our world is increasingly reliant on cloud services that are expected to have high availability and handle high throughput with minimal latency. These services are also expected to be resilient and reliable in the presence of internal and external failures, while maintaining a high quality bar in the presence of continuous evolution and change. This is a tall task and bugs can fall through the cracks despite rigorous testing and good intentions.
Running unit tests and integration tests on every check-in is standard industry practice. We even stress test our services to ensure reliability and performance. Subtle bugs still slip through. Why is that?
It’s important to realize the source of the complexity if we have any chance of taming it. Services are inherently concurrent in nature as their REST APIs can be called concurrently with each other and they must be prepared to handle any interleaving of those calls. They are often distributed across a fleet of machines, which makes dealing with concurrency more challenging as they can’t readily use primitives likes locks and semaphores. Writing correct concurrent code has always been hard – the combinatorics of the state space are, so to say, exponential.
We desperately need new tools in our arsenal to help us tame this complexity. Coyote is one such tool. In this article, we’ll highlight Coyote’s capabilities by applying it to a delightfully interesting example from the annals of the c2 wiki.
Tom Cargill posed a challenge to the Extreme Programming community saying:
Concurrent programs are hard to test because of the combinatorial explosion in the state space that must be covered. The state space explodes because of arbitrary context switching by a scheduler. In general, it’s impossible to use external inputs to force the program through the states that must be covered because a conventional test harness has no mechanism for influencing the scheduler.
Well, it turns out this is exactly what Coyote was designed to solve. Let’s walk through how Coyote can easily solve the programming problem posed by Tom Cargill. He shared a BoundedBuffer implementation written in Java with a known, but tricky, deadlock bug. Coyote works on .NET, so the following is a C# version of the same example using the .NET System.Threading.Monitor
, which contains the same bug:
using System.Threading;
class BoundedBuffer
public void Put(object x)
lock (this.syncObject)
while (this.occupied == this.buffer.Length)
this.putAt %= this.buffer.Length;
this.buffer[this.putAt++] = x;
public object Take()
object result = null;
lock (this.syncObject)
while (this.occupied == 0)
this.takeAt %= this.buffer.Length;
result = this.buffer[this.takeAt++];
return result;
private readonly object syncObject = new object();
private readonly object[] buffer = new object[1];
private int putAt;
private int takeAt;
private int occupied;
The BoundedBuffer implements a buffer of fixed length with concurrent writers adding items to the buffer and readers consuming items from the buffer. The readers wait if there are no items in the buffer and writers wait if the buffer is full, resuming only once a slot has been consumed by a reader. This is also known as a producer/consumer queue.
The concrete ask was for the community to find a particular bug that Cargill knew about in the above program. The meta-ask was to come up with a methodology for catching such bugs rapidly.
At this point, it’ll be worthwhile for you to take a few moments and reason through the above program to see if you can spot the bug. It might also be helpful to read the discussion at this challenge’s c2 wiki page.
Can you spot the bug?
If you’re having difficulty seeing the bug, you’re not alone as almost no one on the c2 wiki thread was able to spot the bug. Rigorous testing on the JVM did not reliably reproduce the bug either, which lead to some skepticism that there was a bug in the above implementation. It’s a tricky bug to find because when you add any kind of console debugging statements to debug it, the bug goes away. It’s a classic Heisenbug.
We decided to apply Coyote to the above challenge. Coyote systematically controls and explores the concurrency and non-determinism encoded in programs and is a perfect fit for a challenge like this. Coyote provides a drop-in replacement for System.Threading.Monitor
called SynchronizedBlock, which allows Coyote to precisely control all the concurrency in this program so that it can systematically explore all the possibilities.
The following is an implementation of the above BoundedBuffer implementation using Coyote.
public class BoundedBuffer
public BoundedBuffer(int bufferSize)
this.Buffer = new object[bufferSize];
public void Put(object x)
using (var monitor = SynchronizedBlock.Lock(this.SyncObject))
while (this.Occupied == this.Buffer.Length)
this.PutAt %= this.Buffer.Length;
this.Buffer[this.PutAt++] = x;
public object Take()
object result = null;
using (var monitor = SynchronizedBlock.Lock(this.SyncObject))
while (this.Occupied == 0)
this.TakeAt %= this.Buffer.Length;
result = this.Buffer[this.TakeAt++];
return result;
private readonly object SyncObject = new object();
private readonly object[] Buffer;
private int PutAt;
private int TakeAt;
private int Occupied;
The above is a very straightforward translation of the original code in C#, leveraging Coyote’s SynchronizedBlock
. We’ll now write a small test driver program, which Coyote can use to find the bug.
The first test you write might look like this:
public static void TestBoundedBufferTrivial(ICoyoteRuntime runtime)
BoundedBuffer buffer = new BoundedBuffer(1);
var tasks = new List<Task>()
Task.Run(() => Reader(buffer, 10)),
Task.Run(() => Writer(buffer, 10))
Here we setup two tasks. First is a reader calling Take
and the other is a Writer calling Put
. The following is the implementation of the test Reader
and Writer
private static void Reader(BoundedBuffer buffer, int iterations)
for (int i = 0; i < iterations; i++)
object x = buffer.Take();
private static void Writer(BoundedBuffer buffer, int iterations)
for (int i = 0; i < iterations; i++)
buffer.Put(“hello “ + i);
Clearly, we have to Put
the same number of items as we Take
Otherwise, there will be a trivial deadlock waiting for more items.
We have matched both in this test with 10 iterations of each Put
and Take
. We find no deadlock when we run the test above, despite Coyote systematically exploring different possible interleavings between the Put
and Take
This bug might be a bit more challenging to find. Let’s think about this for a second – we have the following variables at play here:
The bug might only trigger in certain configurations, but not in all configurations. Can we use Coyote to explore the state space of the configurations?
Luckily, we can.
We can generate a random number of readers, writers, buffer length, and iterations, letting Coyote explore these configurations. Coyote will also explore the Task interleavings in each configuration. The following slightly more interesting Coyote test explores these configurations, letting Coyote control the non-determinism introduced by these random variables and the scheduling of the resulting number of tasks:
public static void
var random = Microsoft.Coyote.Random.Generator.Create();
int bufferSize = random.NextInteger(5) + 1;
int readers = random.NextInteger(5) + 1;
int writers = random.NextInteger(5) + 1;
int iterations = random.NextInteger(10) + 1;
int totalIterations = iterations * readers;
int writerIterations = totalIterations / writers;
int remainder = totalIterations % writers;
“Testing buffer size {0}, reader={1},
writer={2}, iterations={3}”
bufferSize, readers, writers, iterations);
BoundedBuffer buffer = new BoundedBuffer(bufferSize, runtime);
var tasks = new List<Task>();
for (int i = 0; i < readers; i++)
tasks.Add(Task.Run(() => Reader(buffer, iterations)));
int x = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < writers; i++)
int w = writerIterations;
if (i == writers – 1)
w += remainder;
x += w;
tasks.Add(Task.Run(() => Writer(buffer, w)));
We can now test this using the coyote test tool. See if Coyote can find the magic test configuration that creates a deadlock.
coyote test BoundedBuffer.dll --iterations 100
-m BoundedBufferExample.Program.TestBoundedBufferFindDeadlockConfiguration
Outputs are the following:
Starting TestingProcessScheduler in process 34704
... Created '1' testing task.
... Task 0 is using 'random' strategy (seed:3652188098).
..... Iteration #1
..... Iteration #2
..... Iteration #3
..... Iteration #4
..... Iteration #5
..... Iteration #6
..... Iteration #7
..... Iteration #8
..... Iteration #9
..... Iteration #10
..... Iteration #20
... Task 0 found a bug.
... Emitting task 0 traces:
..... Writing .\bin\Debug\netcoreapp3.1\CoyoteOutput\BoundedBuffer_0_7.txt
..... Writing .\bin\Debug\netcoreapp3.1\CoyoteOutput\BoundedBuffer_0_7.schedule
... Elapsed 10.5390128 sec.
... Testing statistics:
..... Found 1 bug.
... Scheduling statistics:
..... Explored 22 schedules: 22 fair and 0 unfair.
..... Found 4.55% buggy schedules.
..... Number of scheduling points in fair terminating schedules: 26 (min), 257 (avg), 535 (max).
... Elapsed 10.6406685 sec.
. Done
Here we see Coyote found the bug quickly (in 10 seconds!). It found the bug after iteration 20 and the log file contains the telltale message:
Deadlock detected. Task(0) is waiting for a task to complete, but no other
controlled tasks are enabled. Task(4), Task(5), Task(6), Task(7), Task(8), Task(9), Task(11),
Task(12), Task(16) and Task(17) are waiting to acquire a resource that is already acquired, but no
other controlled tasks are enabled.
You will also see in the log that our own WriteLine shows us the configuration that failed:
Testing buffer size 1, reader=5, writer=4, iterations=6
We can see it took a total of nine concurrent tasks (five readers and four writers on buffer of size one to generate a deadlock.
Before we take a deeper look at this deadlock, let’s see if there is a smaller configuration that can also reproduce the bug. To help find this minimal test, coyote test has a handy option called –explore
, which tells Coyote to keep on testing for all the given iterations and report all bugs found. Like this:
coyote test BoundedBuffer.dll --iterations 1000 --explore --verbose
-m BoundedBufferExample.Program.TestBoundedBufferFindDeadlockConfiguration > log.txt
Coyote found 70 test configurations that failed. We want the minimal test, so we can filter this log.txt file to print only those configurations with one writer, and the result is:
Testing buffer size 1, reader=2, writer=1, iterations=10
Testing buffer size 1, reader=4, writer=1, iterations=8
Testing buffer size 1, reader=2, writer=1, iterations=10
Testing buffer size 1, reader=5, writer=1, iterations=10
Testing buffer size 1, reader=3, writer=1, iterations=9
Testing buffer size 1, reader=4, writer=1, iterations=8
Testing buffer size 1, reader=2, writer=1, iterations=7
Testing buffer size 1, reader=2, writer=1, iterations=7
Testing buffer size 1, reader=3, writer=1, iterations=6
Testing buffer size 1, reader=5, writer=1, iterations=8
Testing buffer size 1, reader=4, writer=1, iterations=7
Indeed, we now see clearly that there is a minimal test with two readers and one writer. We also see all these deadlocks can be found with a buffer size of one and a small number of iterations. Now we can write the minimal test. We’ll use 10 iterations just to be sure it deadlocks often:
public static void TestBoundedBufferMinimalDeadlock(ICoyoteRuntime runtime)
BoundedBuffer buffer = new BoundedBuffer(1);
var tasks = new List<Task>()
Task.Run(() => Reader(buffer, 5)),
Task.Run(() => Reader(buffer, 5)),
Task.Run(() => Writer(buffer, 10))
Again, when we run this outside of Coyote it deadlocks, almost every time, which is expected. But when we add Console.WriteLines
inside the BoundedBuffer implementation the deadlock no longer occurs, due to its Heisenbug nature. Console.WriteLine
somehow changes the timing just enough that the deadlock no longer occurs.
You can test this new method using coyote test using -m BoundedBufferExample.Program.TestBoundedBufferMinimalDeadlock. Fortunately Coyote also produces another log file called BoundedBuffer_0_0.schedule. This is a magic file that Coyote can use to replay the bug using:
coyote replay BoundedBuffer.dll BoundedBuffer_0_0.schedule -m BoundedBufferExample.Program.TestBoundedBufferMinimalDeadlock
With this, you can step through your program in the debugger, take as long as you want, and the bug will always be found. This is a HUGE advantage to anyone debugging these kinds of Heisenbugs.
Now that Coyote has found the bug we can dive in and explore what is really happening. We added detailed logging in both Take
and Put
methods and replayed the buggy trace using Coyote’s replay feature and ended up with the following graph. The horizontal axis represents time and the vertical axis represents various steps inside the Take
and Put
methods (both Take
and Put
methods have a similar structure, so they share the same vertical axis).
The program starts out with the two Reader tasks attempting to take an item from the buffer. The buffer is empty at this point so both go to the wait state until they are woken up by a Pulse
signal. The sole Writer
task starts next, puts an item in the buffer, and sends a Pulse
signal, which awakens the first task that entered the wait queue. Before the Reader
1 task can start running, however, the Writer
task is able to re-acquire the lock and starts a second run. This can happen due to non-determinism in your operating system thread scheduling and is a crucial step in creating this bug.
The buffer is already full so the Writer task goes into the wait state. Reader
1 finally gets its chance to run, consumes the item in the buffer and sends a Pulse
signal to wake up the next task in the wait queue. Since Reader
2 is at the head of queue, it runs next but immediately blocks as the buffer is still empty.
At this point, both the Writer
task and Reader
2 task are blocked. Reader
1 task runs again, but goes into the wait state as the buffer is empty. At this point, all three tasks are in the waiting state and so the application is deadlocked. This deadlock requires numerous iterations of the readers and writers and a random scheduling decision by the operating system in order to occur, which is why it’s difficult to foresee and reliably reproduce.
Now given this understanding we can also get a hint at the right fix. One fix is to use PulseAll
, which will wake up every task– this indeed works. Another, perhaps more efficient fix, is to send out a Pulse right before calling Wait. This way the Reader 2 task sends another Pulse and wakes the Writer task so things could proceed. You can also test these fixes using Coyote with the full TestBoundedBufferFindConfiguration
test function to make sure it doesn’t find another pesky test configuration.
Coyote was able to help us quickly find a way to trigger the subtle race condition that lead to the deadlock and then boiled it down to the simplest possible 100% reproducible trace. Making the test smaller made it easier to find the bug. This can be counter intuitive, as developers traditionally stress test their applications with a large number of requests to trigger such race conditions and might still not be able to reliably reproduce them. Coyote, on the other hand, systematically explores the state space so it can reliably reproduce bugs with much smaller tests. In fact, the efficiency of Coyote at finding these bugs increases as the tests get smaller.
The bug in the above implementation was not obvious. In fact, the authors had to spend some time poring over Coyote’s reproducible trace before finally grokking the bug. This speaks to the effectiveness of tools like Coyote and the inability of humans to always foresee subtle race conditions like the above.
While the BoundedBuffer
implementation may seem academic, it’s important to generalize the lessons from this exercise and see how they can apply to your production services.
Production services contain way more than just two methods (Put
and Take
in this example) and expose a number of REST APIs, all of which are called in a highly concurrent manner and most of which operate on shared resources (like the underlying buffer in the above example).
Distributed services can’t always use concurrency control mechanisms, like locks, when coordinating work across independent back-end services, nor can they use distributed transactions to coordinate data in, say, two independent partitions of a scalable key-value store like CosmosDB. Furthermore, individual nodes in a distributed service can crash at any point in time and the developers must gracefully deal with failure at each possible step, while dealing with the external state constantly evolving and changing from under them. These are hard problems. Appreciating the complexity and size of the state space is the first step towards building more reliable software services. Tools like Coyote can help teams tame the combinatorial complexity by systematically exploring the state space to catch safety and liveness violations in every check-in and allow you to get the best of both worlds – extreme programming without sacrificing quality.
There is no tool that can magically find all bugs, so the best tool is one that works with developers, enabling them to follow their intuition and helping them design the most efficient and maintainable tests and services. We think Coyote is indeed one such tool.
The complete code for this article is available on GitHub.
Questions or feedback? Please let us know in the comments below.