Hyperlight: Achieving 0.0009-second micro-VM execution time
In this post, we’ll take the demo application and show how it…
Canary deployment is a pattern that rolls out releases to a subset of users or servers. It deploys the changes to a small set of servers, which allows you to test and monitor how the new release works before rolling the changes to the rest of the servers.
Virtual machine scale sets (VMSS) are an Azure compute resource that you can use to deploy and manage a set of identical VMs. With all VMs configured the same, scale sets are designed to support true autoscale, and no pre-provisioning of VMs is required. So it’s easier to build large-scale services that target big compute, large data, and containerized workloads.
VMSS allow you to manage large number of identical VMs with simple instructions, yet allow you to update specific VMs. You can build your VMSS with a customized image or publicly available OS images along with VM extension scripts to setup all required environments. When it comes to update existing VMSS, you need to update its configuration with a new image or extension scripts, and then manually trigger the update of the VMSS instances, either all in one instruction, or selectively pick some VMs to be updated.
The ability to update individual VMs in VMSS allows us to control the number of VMs that will be updated to the new releases, i.e., allows us to do canary deployment:
Here we demonstrate the canary deployment for VMSS using the Nginx binary release.
We use the public Ubuntu Server 16.04 LTS together with an extension script which installs the Nginx service to setup the VMSS. In your project, you can customize the extension script to install the service on demand, or create a customized image (reference: Packer / Azure Resource Manager Builder).
First we setup some variables that will be used in the following preparation steps. You can update the variables based on your needs.
# resource group and VMSS name
# admin user and SSH login credentials setup
ssh_pubkey="$(readlink -f ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub)"
# the storage account that will be created to store the init scripts. Note that '-' is not allowed in a storage account name.
export AZURE_STORAGE_ACCOUNT=the-storage-account-name
We create a VMSS with 3 instances, using the public image “UbuntuLTS”.
az group create --name "$resource_group" --location "$location"
# create the VMSS with 3 instances using the public Ubuntu LTS image
az vmss create --resource-group "$resource_group" --name "$vmss_name" \
--image UbuntuLTS \
--admin-username "$admin_user" \
--ssh-key-value "$ssh_pubkey" \
--vm-sku Standard_D2_v3 \
--instance-count 3 \
--lb "${vmss_name}LB"
In order to use the custom script extension to configure the VMSS, we need to store the script at some location that’s accessible via HTTP(s). Here we create a storage account for the script storage, and expose the scripts publicly to allow the script extension to pick it up.
The custom script is fairly simple in this case. It installs the Nginx package from the Ubuntu Apt source. In your project, you may update the script to fetch dependencies, install, configure and start services, etc.
# create the storage account and container that store the extension scripts
az storage account create --name "$AZURE_STORAGE_ACCOUNT" --location "$location" --resource-group "$resource_group" --sku Standard_LRS
export AZURE_STORAGE_KEY="$(az storage account keys list --resource-group "$resource_group" --account-name "$AZURE_STORAGE_ACCOUNT" --query '[0].value' --output tsv)"
az storage container create --name init --public-access container
# upload the init script to the blob container
cat <<EOF >install_nginx.sh
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y nginx
az storage blob upload --container-name init --file install_nginx.sh --name install_nginx.sh
init_script_url="$(az storage blob url --container-name init --name install_nginx.sh --output tsv)"
# prepare the script config
cat <<EOF >script-config.json
"fileUris": ["$init_script_url"],
"commandToExecute": "./install_nginx.sh"
# install the CustomScript extension to the VMSS
az vmss extension set \
--publisher Microsoft.Azure.Extensions \
--version 2.0 \
--name CustomScript \
--resource-group "$resource_group" \
--vmss-name "$vmss_name" \
--settings @script-config.json
# update all the instances so that they will have nginx installed
az vmss update-instances --resource-group "$resource_group" --name "$vmss_name" --instance-ids \*
We need to create a load balancer rule to route the public traffic to the Nginx services running in the VMSS backend.
# create load balancer rule to allow public access to the backend Nginx service
az network lb probe create \
--resource-group "$resource_group" \
--lb-name "${vmss_name}LB" \
--name nginx \
--port 80 \
--protocol Http \
--path /
az network lb rule create \
--resource-group "$resource_group" \
--lb-name "${vmss_name}LB" \
--name nginx \
--frontend-port 80 \
--backend-port 80 \
--protocol Tcp \
--backend-pool-name "${vmss_name}LBBEPool" \
--probe nginx
Check that we can access the Nginx service from the public endpoint of the load balancer.
# check that the Nginx service is working properly
lb_ip=$(az network lb show --resource-group "$resource_group" --name "${vmss_name}LB" --query "frontendIpConfigurations[].publicIpAddress.id" --output tsv | head -n1 | xargs az network public-ip show --query ipAddress --output tsv --ids)
curl -s "$lb_ip" | grep title
#>> <title>Welcome to nginx!</title>
In the new release, we make a simple update in the Nginx landing page, and deploy it to 1 instance in the early stage. So after the deployment, we should have 1 instance serving the updated landing page, and 2 instances serving the original page.
First, we need to update and upload the new custom script. Some points to call out here:
# prepare the updated nginx service
cat <<EOF >install_nginx.v1.sh
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y nginx
sudo sed -i -e 's/Welcome to nginx/Welcome to nginx on Azure VMSS/' /var/www/html/index*.html
az storage blob upload --container-name init --file install_nginx.v1.sh --name install_nginx.v1.sh
init_script_url="$(az storage blob url --container-name init --name install_nginx.v1.sh --output tsv)"
# prepare the script config
cat <<EOF >script-config.v1.json
"fileUris": ["$init_script_url"],
"commandToExecute": "./install_nginx.v1.sh"
# install the CustomScript extension to the VMSS
az vmss extension set \
--publisher Microsoft.Azure.Extensions \
--version 2.0 \
--name CustomScript \
--resource-group "$resource_group" \
--vmss-name "$vmss_name" \
--settings @script-config.v1.json
Now that the custom script configuration is update for the VMSS, we can update 1 instance to pick up the new custom script.
# pick up the first instance ID
instance_id="$(az vmss list-instances --resource-group "$resource_group" --name "$vmss_name" --query '[].instanceId' --output tsv | head -n1)"
# update the instance VM
az vmss update-instances --resource-group "$resource_group" --name "$vmss_name" --instance-ids "$instance_id"
# (optional) check the latest model applied status
az vmss list-instances --resource-group "$resource_group" --name "$vmss_name" | grep latest
#>> "latestModelApplied": true,
#>> "latestModelApplied": false,
#>> "latestModelApplied": false,
Check the load balancer public endpoint and we should see the old version and new version interleaved.
curl -s "$lb_ip" | grep title
#>> <title>Welcome to nginx!</title>
curl -s "$lb_ip" | grep title
#>> <title>Welcome to nginx on Azure VMSS!</title>
curl -s "$lb_ip" | grep title
#>> <title>Welcome to nginx!</title>
curl -s "$lb_ip" | grep title
#>> <title>Welcome to nginx!</title>
Now you can do more checks to verify if the new version works as expected. Note that the VMSS sits behind the frontend load balancer, you do not know the service status for a individual node through the public access point. If you need to check a specific instance, you can SSH login to the that instance through the NAT mapping defined in the load balancer and check the service in the SSH session; or you can open an tunnel to the remote service through the SSH channel, and check the service in detail through the local port.
# obtain the NAT SSH port for the updated instance
ssh_port="$(az network lb inbound-nat-rule show --resource-group "$resource_group" --lb-name "${vmss_name}LB" --name "${vmss_name}LBNatPool.${instance_id}" --query frontendPort --output tsv)"
# map the localhost:8080 endpoint to the remote 80 port through the SSH channel
ssh -L localhost:8080:localhost:80 -p "$ssh_port" azureuser@"$lb_ip"
After this, you can visit the web page through http://localhost:8080
and it will show you the page served by the updated instance.
At this point you have 1 instance serving the updated web page and 2 instances serving the original page in the VMSS. When you have verified that the new version works, you can update the rest of the instances to the new version.
az vmss update-instances --resource-group "$resource_group" --name "$vmss_name" --instance-ids \*
Note that this will update all the instances with models not aligned with the latest state in parallel. So all the outdated instances will be brought down, updated, and brought up again. It will not cause service downtime as long as the load balancer noticed some of the backends are down, as we have at least 1 instance updated in the previous steps. However, during the update window of the outdated instances, all the client traffic will be routed to up-to-date instances, which will increase the load and latency on those instances.
A better approach may be querying the outdated instances list first, and then update them with smaller granularity:
az vmss list-instances --resource-group "$resource_group" --name "$vmss_name" --query '[?latestModelApplied==`false`].instanceId' --output tsv
#>> 2
#>> 4
az vmss update-instances --resource-group "$resource_group" --name "$vmss_name" --instance-ids 2
# wait for instance 2 to be up and running
az vmss update-instances --resource-group "$resource_group" --name "$vmss_name" --instance-ids 4
In this way, only a small number of instances are being updated at a given point of time. The rest of the instances are not touched and will serve the traffic as per normal.
The above steps demonstrates how we can do canary deployments for VMSS using the custom script extension. VMSS also supports custom images. If specified, all the VMs will be created from the given image. Compared to the custom script extension based VMSS, the image based VMSS:
Packer is widely used to create OS images in different cloud platforms. Consider if we need to transform the above custom script extension based deployments to image based, we can create the base image using the following packer configuration (filename: packer-nginx.json
"variables": {
"client_id": null,
"client_secret": null,
"subscription_id": null,
"tenant_id": null,
"resource_group": null,
"location": null,
"vm_size": "Standard_DS2_v2"
"builders": [
"type": "azure-arm",
"client_id": "{{user `client_id`}}",
"client_secret": "{{user `client_secret`}}",
"subscription_id": "{{user `subscription_id`}}",
"tenant_id": "{{user `tenant_id`}}",
"managed_image_resource_group_name": "{{user `resource_group`}}",
"managed_image_name": "nginx-base-image",
"os_type": "Linux",
"image_publisher": "Canonical",
"image_offer": "UbuntuServer",
"image_sku": "16.04-LTS",
"location": "{{user `location`}}",
"vm_size": "{{user `vm_size`}}"
"provisioners": [
"execute_command": "chmod +x {{ .Path }}; {{ .Vars }} sudo -E sh '{{ .Path }}'",
"inline": [
"apt-get update",
"apt-get dist-upgrade -y",
"apt-get install -y nginx",
"/usr/sbin/waagent -force -deprovision+user && export HISTSIZE=0 && sync"
"inline_shebang": "/bin/sh -x",
"type": "shell"
and build it with:
packer build \
-var "client_id=$your_service_principal_id" \
-var "client_secret=$your_service_principal_key" \
-var "subscription_id=$your_subscription_id" \
-var "tenant_id=$your_tenant_id" \
-var "resource_group=$resource_group" \
-var "location=$location" \
When this completes, we will get an image nginx-base-image
in the resource group specified. Similarly, we can create the updated image (nginx-updated-image
) by adding the following line to the provisioners script, updating the managed_image_name
to nginx-updated-image
and build the image.
sed -i -e 's/Welcome to nginx/Welcome to nginx on Azure VMSS/' /var/www/html/index*.html
After that we can get the VMSS image ID for the base image and the updated one:
base_image_id="$(az image show --resource-group "$resource_group" --name nginx-base-image --query id --output tsv)"
export updated_image_id="$(az image show --resource-group "$resource_group" --name nginx-updated-image --query id --output tsv)"
Now that we have two images, we can do the canary deployment as follows:
1 – Initially, we need to specify the base image ID when we create the VMSS:
# create the VMSS with 3 instances using the public Ubuntu LTS image
az vmss create --resource-group "$resource_group" --name "$vmss_name" \
--image "$base_image_id" \
--admin-username "$admin_user" \
--ssh-key-value "$ssh_pubkey" \
--vm-sku Standard_D2_v3 \
--instance-count 3 \
--lb "${vmss_name}LB"
2 – When we deploy new release, we update the image in VMSS configuration:
az vmss update --resource-group "$resource_group" --name "$vmss_name" --set "virtualMachineProfile.storageProfile.imageReference.id=$updated_image_id"
3 – Now we can selectively update certain instance to using the latest image with command az vmss update-instances
, or upgrade all instances with --instance-ids
setting to *
# pick up the first instance ID
instance_id="$(az vmss list-instances --resource-group "$resource_group" --name "$vmss_name" --query '[].instanceId' --output tsv | head -n1)"
# update the instance VM
az vmss update-instances --resource-group "$resource_group" --name "$vmss_name" --instance-ids "$instance_id"
In canary deployment we may roll out new releases to the servers gradually, which may involve multiple deployments that updates the old releases / new releases server ratio. This may not be suitable to automate in limited number of Jenkins jobs.
However, if we simplify the process, and we can model the process with parameterized Jenkins jobs. We have published Azure Virtual Machine Scale Set Jenkins plugin which helps to deploy new images to VMSS.
The above image based canary deployment can be modeled as two Jenkins Pipeline jobs:
node {
// ...
stage('Update Image Configuration') {
azureVMSSUpdate azureCredentialsId: '<azure-credential-id>', resourceGroup: env.resource_group, name: env.vmss_name,
imageReference: [id: env.updated_image_id]
stage('Update A Subset of Instances') {
azureVMSSUpdateInstances azureCredentialsId: '<azure-credential-id>', resourceGroup: env.resource_group, name: env.vmss_name,
instanceIds: '0,1'
// ...
node {
stage('Update All Instances') {
azureVMSSUpdateInstances azureCredentialsId: '<azure-credential-id>', resourceGroup: env.resource_group, name: env.vmss_name,
instanceIds: '*'
As mentioned in the previous example, you need to implement extra logic to test and validate if the new image is working properly.
We can also do blue-green deployment on VMSS, in which you have two nearly identical backends, you can upgrade one of them and switch the routing to the upgraded backend without interrupting the user traffic. We have prepared a quick start template and you can find more details at Jenkins Blue-green Deployment to VMSS.