2 min read

Coming soon: more Open Source Show episodes, featuring new community hosts

We launched The Open Source Show – featuring our own Suz Hinton, Lena Hall, and Bernd Verst – earlier this year, and, now, we’re excited to share that we are partnering with awesome community members to bring you new episodes, starting Tuesday, June 19th.

With the help of open source contributors and community members, we’ll tackle common problems – both technical and in the community at large – and share what makes the best projects, communities, and developers successful (with a healthy dose of humor and developer puns). Our goal: you learn, you laugh, and you leave each episode with practical tips and tricks that you can put into action immediately.

A gradient banner with the text "The open source show." with the Microsoft logo.

To watch, find us on YouTube (aka.ms/OpenSourceShow) and subscribe to MS Developer or follow @OpenAtMicrosoft to get updates about new episodes and other developer programs.

Upcoming Episodes: In addition to Cloud Developer Advocate and Microsoft Engineering co-hosts, you’ll hear from community experts, like:

  • Jono Bacon, The Art of Community author and consultant: Jono and Jessica Deen cover all things community, based on their experiences leading and participating in dozens of technical communities –sharing their “golden rules,” top do’s and don’ts, and how to measure performance, increase contributions, handle conflicts, and incentivize the right behavior. Whether you’re just getting started or working with an existing base, they have something for you. You’ll also learn how the VS Code team maintains its vibrant community, the best ways to get involved – and see a few of Chris Dias’ (Principal Program Manager) top VS Code tips and tricks.
  • Chloe Condon, Developer Evangelist at Sentry.io: Chloe joins Bridget Kromhout and Jessica Deen to talk about two of her favorite topics: fixing all the things with logging, monitoring, and error tracking and hosting meetups developers love (and come back to). As a bonus, you’ll also hear how Jessica overcomes conference Wi-Fi to demo with confidence – and some dev and dad jokes to add to your repertoire.
  • Justin Garrison, Cloud Native Infrastructure Author and CNCF Ambassador, and Bridget break down “cloud native,” — why it matters, what works and what doesn’t for the largest cloud companies and projects, and how to apply the right approach to your teams, projects, and organizations. They dive into why they’re so passionate about open source technology, sharing their advice for getting started and finding your place, plus the handy hacks they’ve devised to keep up with non-stop news and releases.

….and we’re just getting started! Our mantra is for the community, with the community, by the community, and we’re looking forward to hearing your feedback, questions, and ideas for future episodes. If you have a suggestion for an episode, or want to be a co-host reach out to us directly: opensourceshow@microsoft.com

See you soon – and for more open source resources, check out opensource.microsoft.com to see top repos and trending projects.