Microsoft Open Source Blog

4 min read

FHIR Subscriptions and state changes 

HL7 FHIR (Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources) is an open standard for healthcare interoperability. Microsoft contributes enthusiastically to FHIR and the…

2 min read

ONNX joins Linux Foundation 

Today the Open Neural Network eXchange (ONNX) is joining the LF AI Foundation, an umbrella foundation of the Linux Foundation…

3 min read

Helm 3: Simpler and more secure 

Ecosystem complexity increases every time we look around, our dizzying panoply of choices multiplies by the day, and (now, as…

3 min read

Announcing ONNX Runtime 1.0 

One year after ONNX Runtime’s initial preview release, we’re excited to announce v1.0 of the high-performance machine learning model inferencing…